This session focuses on the climate financing landscape ahead of COP28. It covers main insights from UNEP's MENA adaptation report, including the current state of adaptation finance and the barriers faced to scale up finance for adaptation and resilience in the region. Speakers: Paul Smith, Climate Consultant, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI) Katharina Lehmann Uschner, Climate Economist, UN Economic and Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) Diep Nguyen-Van Houtte, Senior Manager - Global Climate, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Zoheir Hamedi, Programme Officer , Project Facilitation Support, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
This webinar is part of the 28-for-28 Event Series by the United Nations in UAE to engage with the public on topics related to climate ahead of the Climate Change Conference (COP28).